Annulment vs. Divorce in Texas: What Are the Differences?
The concepts of divorce and annulment are often confused because they are both formal proceedings that terminate a…

How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost in Texas?
In Texas, the cost of a divorce lawyer is between $130 and $415 per hour. Average total costs…

Do It Yourself Divorce Texas: How to File for Divorce in Texas Without a Lawyer in 2024
Divorce is always a hard decision to come to. However, you and your spouse have a chance to…

Texas Divorce Checklist: How to Prepare for Divorce
There are several phases of divorce you have to go through to end your marriage. This life period…

Grounds for Divorce in Texas: Fault vs. No-Fault Divorce Reasons
According to Texas Family Code, spouses can end their marriage based only on one of the seven state-approved…

Texas Divorce Residency Requirements Explained
In Texas, you have to fulfill certain conditions before you can file for marriage dissolution. One of them…

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Texas?
When the couple makes a hard decision to end their marriage, one of the first questions that come…

The Texas Divorce Process in Ten Steps
The divorce process in Texas depends on different factors, such as whether you have children and if your…

How Long Does It Take To Get Divorce in Texas?
An uncontested divorce in Texas takes on average 3 months to complete and can be finalized in a little…

5 Pros and Cons of Divorce Mediation
Mediation in divorce cases may be a great option for some couples. Spouses usually decide to involve a…

Contested Divorce in Texas: Meaning, Process & What to Expect
The possibility of applying for uncontested marriage dissolution in Texas is usually affected by the couple’s unique circumstances….

What Should I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers?
Divorce is usually the last solution for couples whose marriages have reached their breaking point. Very often, one…

Is Adultery a Crime in Texas?
Adultery isn’t a crime in Texas. However, it can be used as a reason for divorce. It will…

How to Get a Free Divorce in Texas
Divorce is often a very expensive process. Costs can become extremely high when spouses disagree on the divorce…